Cuisine is a restaurant concept developed by Santa Maria Food Services focused
on the new Nordic food. A strong trend with exciting culinary conditions but
also with environmental responsibility. The target audience: Chefs with
ambitions – those who want a little more and inspire others. Concept launch
focused on number of selected chefs throughout the Nordic region. Santa Maria's
sellers needed materials that impressed – something that would surprise and
inspire. The answer was four books, each with a focus on a Nordic country,
filled with facts, recipes and local culinary inspiration. First was Danish
Spring which also included suggestions on a culinary journey with places to
visit and local sights. The books were contained in an elegant and unusual box
that functions both as beautiful storage but also giving the concept height.
The box is opened by a three-step unfolding. In its open position, there is a
compartment for each book framed by a concept description. At launch, the Danish
Spring book was in place and three expectantly empty trays to be filled with
the remaining books in the series. One for each season.
Freelance assignment
at Ottoboni Gothenburg.
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